Brown Hoplo | Hoplosternum (M)
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The Brown Hoplo, scientifically known as Hoplosternum, is a popular freshwater catfish species among aquarium enthusiasts. These fish are known for their unique appearance, featuring a brownish coloration with a distinctive armored body and a pair of long barbels. Originating from South America, particularly the Amazon River basin, these fish are found in slow-moving waters, making them well-suited for aquarium life.
Origin: The Brown Hoplo, or Hoplosternum, hails from the freshwater rivers and streams of South America, primarily the Amazon River basin.
Temperature: Ideal water temperature for Brown Hoplos ranges between 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F), making them comfortable in tropical aquarium setups.
Feeding: Brown Hoplos are omnivorous and accept a variety of foods. Their diet should include high-quality pellet or flake food, supplemented with live or frozen options like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans. Offering a diverse diet ensures their nutritional needs are met.
Water Quality: These catfish thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 and moderate water hardness levels, typically between 5-15 dGH (degrees of General Hardness).
Ideal Aquarium Size: For a single Brown Hoplo, a minimum tank size of 75 liters (20 gallons) is recommended. They appreciate a well-planted tank with hiding spots, driftwood, and rocks. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality.
Lifespan: When provided with proper care, Brown Hoplos can live for an impressive 10 to 15 years in captivity. A well-maintained aquarium environment is crucial for their longevity.
Community Tank Compatibility: Brown Hoplos are generally peaceful fish that can coexist with other non-aggressive species. They do well in a community tank with similarly sized fish that won't view them as a threat. Avoid pairing them with aggressive or nippy tankmates.
Breeding: To breed Brown Hoplos, set up a separate breeding tank with slightly warmer water (around 30°C or 86°F). Provide flat surfaces like rocks or ceramic tiles for egg attachment. The male will guard the eggs, and after hatching, the fry can be fed with micro-sized foods like infusoria or finely crushed flakes.
Please note: We don't ship live animals. You can order online and choose click and collect, and we will hold it for you.