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Lampeye Killifish (L)

SKU 0048654
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£4.00 - £4.00
Current price £4.00

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The Lampeye Killifish, scientifically known as Aplocheilichthys normani, is a captivating and diminutive species cherished by aquarists for its striking appearance and peaceful temperament. These fish are native to the freshwaters of West Africa, specifically in regions like Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea, where they inhabit slow-moving streams, rivers, and swampy areas. The Lampeye Killifish is a hardy and adaptable species, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

Origin: Lampeye Killifish originate from West Africa, primarily found in countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea.

Temperature: The ideal temperature range for Lampeye Killifish is between 22°C to 26°C (72°F to 79°F). Maintaining the aquarium water within this temperature range ensures the health and well-being of these fish.

Feeding: Lampeye Killifish are omnivorous and thrive on a varied diet. They readily accept high-quality flake food, pellets, and freeze-dried or live foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and small insects. Supplementing their diet with live or frozen foods enhances their coloration and overall vitality.

Water Quality: These fish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. The water hardness should ideally be around 5 to 15 dGH (degrees of General Hardness) to mimic their natural habitat.

Ideal Aquarium Size: For a small group of Lampeye Killifish, a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 to 30 liters (5 to 8 gallons) is suitable. Provide them with plenty of hiding spots among plants and driftwood to make them feel secure, and ensure a well-maintained filtration system to keep the water quality pristine.

Lifespan: Under proper care and ideal conditions, Lampeye Killifish can live for about 2 to 3 years. Providing them with a stable and well-maintained environment is crucial for maximizing their lifespan.

Community Tank Compatibility: Lampeye Killifish are peaceful and sociable by nature, making them suitable for community aquariums. However, they should be kept with similarly-sized, non-aggressive tank mates such as small tetras, rasboras, and other peaceful species. Avoid housing them with larger or aggressive fish that may intimidate or prey on them.

Breeding: Breeding Lampeye Killifish is relatively straightforward. Set up a separate breeding tank with soft, acidic water and provide fine-leaved plants or spawning mops as hiding places. Introduce a pair or a small group of these fish into the breeding tank, and they will typically lay their adhesive eggs among the plants or mop. Once eggs are laid, remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating the eggs. After about 10-14 days, the fry will hatch, and you can start feeding them infusoria or finely crushed flakes.

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